Zoom PETALASHARO | Fine Art Print
Zoom PETALASHARO | Fine Art Print
Zoom PETALASHARO | Fine Art Print

PETALASHARO | Fine Art Print

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Petalasharo. The famous warrior and hero who rescued the maiden intended for human sacrifice and returned her to her people. The Pawnee put a stop to this ritual following his heroic deed. A hero of the highest order and a king amongst men. Petalasharo was haled as a brave hero in his day. This painting honors a heroic figure that has been largely forgotten by history.

Petalasharo is available in the following formats:
Fine Art Prints
Canvas Prints
Hand-signed Prints

Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment.

• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil
• Paper weight: 5.57 oz/y² (189 g/m²)
• Giclée printing quality
• Opacity: 94%
• ISO brightness: 104%

PETALASHARO | Fine Art Print


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Troy Sanders
Beautiful artwork

Thank you so much,I immediately framed them when they arrived. 10/10


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