Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print
Zoom HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print

HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print

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This impeccable warrior stands firmly in the power of the animal totem of the mighty Grizzly Bear. The apex hunter dominates his realm. He holds the sacred skull of the bear as a symbol of a deep connection to this animal spirit. A bear is known as a warrior animal and a great force of healing. A great medicine man once said, " Any fool can kill and destroy life, it is a true warrior who holds the power to preserve and protect life, that is the true path of the warrior.

Hollow Horn Bear is available in the following formats:
Phone Cases
Fine Art Prints
Canvas Prints
Framed Fine Art Prints
Hand Signed Prints 
Custom Canvas Prints 

Make a statement in any room with this framed poster, printed on thick, durable, matte paper. The matte black frame that's made from wood from renewable forests adds an extra touch of class.

• Ayous wood .75″ (1.9 cm) thick frame from renewable forests
• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil (0.26 mm)
• Paper weight: 5.57 oz/y² (189 g/m²)
• Lightweight
• Acrylite front protector
• Hanging hardware included
• Blank product components in the US sourced from Japan and the US
• Blank product components in the EU sourced from Japan and Latvia

HOLLOW HORN BEAR | Framed Fine Art Print


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