Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print
Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print
Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print
Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print
Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print
Zoom CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print

CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print

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Crazy Horse, the legendary warrior of the Lakota Nation. A fierce and indomitable warrior, yet a humble and quiet man. He fought to the bitter end to preserve his way of life. He was instrumental in the defeat of the 7th Calvary at the Battle of Little Bighorn. He could not be defeated in battle so the army resorted to trickery, and assassinated him in cold blood. He was the epitome of an impeccable warrior and a noble example of how to live an honorable life.

Crazy Horse II is available in the following formats:
Custom Canvas Prints
Fine Art Prints
Canvas Prints
Framed Fine Art Prints
Hand-signed Prints
Framed Canvas Prints
Metal Prints

Spice up your blank walls with this head-turning framed canvas! This high-quality pine tree framed canvas comes with rubber pads on the back corners and wall mount that makes hanging the artwork hassle-free. What’s more, the frame gives the canvas a cool floating effect!
• Pine tree frame
• Frame thickness: 1.25″ (3.18 cm)
• Canvas fabric weight: 10.15 +/- 0.74 oz/yd² (344 g/m² +/- 25g/m²)
• Open back
• Comes with rubber pads on the back corners
• Hanging hardware attached
• Blank product sourced from the US

Important: This product is available in the US, Canada, and the UK only. If your shipping address is outside these regions, please choose a different product.

CRAZY HORSE II | Framed Canvas Print


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